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ferred to the control of the co-op most orders go thru Pak Sastro; he puts out the work to different perapen and supplies raw materials Sastro has his own grinda listrik (grinda kaki yang dari Gana) main problem of pengusaha is capital, acc. to Sastro from the time begin production until receive profit from sales take about 10 days so that must have 10 days worth of capital ie 100,000 Rp.
([[?]] get raw materials on credit pengusaha still have to pay wages)
acc. to Sastro every day that a pengusaha spends 10,000, gets a profit of 500 Rp (empu gets more than a pengusaha doesn't - a pengusaha a can take care of his land himself while an empu must either leave her her work and lose wages or pay labor to work his land)
time between receiving raw material and getting money from sastra 10 days, while pengusaha must

(Sastro illustration)

not always some wait till get paid for an order to give out wages
pay wages weekly
no unemployment and in fact must [[?]] in outside labor acc. to Sastro he is not the only one luho. gives out raw materials on credit since amount of land small, acc. to Sastro, amount of time needed in fields very little
in farming the main risk is "kekeringan" hot pests, and if drought no harvest or limited harvest (last year's harvest only 1/3 of what it should have been).
main risk in marketing
Pak Sastro gets basang setengah jadi (half-finished products) and finishing at his house - finishing consists of grinding edges w/ grinda, dipping blade in paint, then applying Vaseline to unpainted portion (see picture above)