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is an SG in KII (SD [[Karangtengah??]] I + II)
Pak Samor feels working in [[??]]
is more difficult than in fields,but need more food to work a day in the ladang - reason, "because food tastes better in the fields"

June 29 see also book 3 p 32 + book 4, page 1
morning attended a little pameran for 4 [[kerajinan??]] villages (Kaja; Sellang; shell pictures from kec. Tepus kal Sidoayo; genting from Wiro, kal. Gading kec. Playen)

Joko's notes from Pak Dibyo of Dept. [[??]], G.K. office
-other ker. at:
1. Ngawen - bamboo hats (caping)
2. [[??]] - "tendgok" rice container (large tempeat [[?]])
3. Sodo - bamboo winnowing trays (tampah) + kalo (coconut milk strainers)
4. Semanu - also bird cages

genteng from Wino of pool quality called "gentef kripik" because broke easily formerly maketing difficult because [[??]] standard [[??]] so that replacement difficult - genteng from one village different from those of another village [[??]]. So Pak Dibyo, formerly Seland made only [[??]] [[??]] - new capital [[??]] pumped into Selang now by Dept. of Industry; recently completed course a well developed market already in Netherland for products of Selang 
formerly could only fill 60% of orders from Netherlands, now 100%
with upgrading quality has also improved 
acc. to Dibyo not enough promotion for products of G.K. + hence marketing difficult Dibyo, feels [[??]] or upgrading not intensive on continuous enough due to lack of funds in Dept. Per; in last 3 years only 2 

Transcription Notes:
not sure how to transcribe blue note in margin