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training courses carried out (where?)
-Dibyo feels training not effective unless at least 4 times a year
-acc. to Dibuo more ker. in G.K. than elsewhere because 1. time spent in Ladang small ("hanya pebentar"); 2. since has it of the agn. sector not enogh[[enough]] to meet needs, people forced to look for subsidiary activities 3. in 1963 was "jaman gaber" ([strikethrough] Dec + Jan) or severe dought [[drought]] when most plants died. + people forced outside the agr. sector.
gaber is the leftover empas from grated cassava which the cream has been squeezed out of (cream is evaporated to make kangi)
-many people + livestock died during the "jaman gaber"
-govn. in addition to food drops began regreening program to try to prevent the abssence; regreening program designed to save the soil + also provide plants which could be utilized for food or fuel (dry branches)
-Pak Dibyo has been at Dept. Pen G.K. since 1950

-met later with Pak Harto Bupati Dar- makam S.H. + Kepald Per. D.I.Y. Wiryosaputio

interview with Hartoutomo [[underlined]], kepala cooperasi + kepala Bagiam Social
-5254 penduduk in Kalusahan Karangtengah
1011 K.K. (kepala keluarga = households) 
in Kajar I, II + III 375 K.K.
Kajam I 439 people
"     II 773  "
"     III 749 "
average of 1/2 hectare land each in 5 dukohs 90 perapen (totals from pak dukohs not adding up to this much-recheck- acc. to Joko people in Jogja are always exaggerating)
-fertility hasn't changed over years, only hasil greater now because use fertilizer
padi planted in Nov + harvested March.
kedelai & katcang planted in Apr + harvested June
cassava planted in Nov + harvested June
occasional drought in cycles i.e.

Transcription Notes:
How are the vertical red lines on the left side of both pages indicated in the trascript?