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in proportions
TS 75K per [[strikethrough]]ke[[/strikethrough]]hectare & 50 k area
sale price Kajar people get from [[strikethrough]]illegible[[/strikethrough]] peanuts 9000-11,000 Rp per kwintal
kedelai 15,000 per kwintal
- bamboo for own needs, e.g. gedek & roof supports - if extra, sell
- stone hills are owned, bu only planted with tebon, plant resembling sugar cane: leaves are for animal fodder & stems cut & dried for firewood
-[[strikethrough]] in 1972 [[strikethrough]]brought/[[/strikethrough]] given coconut seedlings by government - 20 seedlings for 1 kalurahan; 5 or 6 years before get fruit so maybe next year
in 76 got 1 clove seedling [[strikethrough]]from[[/strikethrough]] for trail, now in Pak Harto's yard
-govn. tried to begin rubber program + it grew well (soil well suited) but poor market + people cutdown because blocked the sun + other plants couldn't grow.
Kajar was Communist are during G30S period - at that time Pak hart was head of keamanan - the the babinsa (Badan Pembina

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Desa), usually a sergeant came with youth of Partai N.U. [[strikethrough]] (Nahdatul Llama) (Ansor) he protected many who were [[strikethrough]]wh[[/strikethrough]] were leaning toward Communist + only let the hard core who really understood politics be taken ("diciduk") - acc. to him, thats why the people of the village are grateful to him + keep him in office
((at eh Rasulan next day had Dalang Suparman for the wayang performance - were told by dalang who lives next door to Pak Rianto that Suparman was a communist dalang at time of G30S + that's why Kajar invites him "because cocok"))
acc. to Harto if govn. wants to gives new seedlings coconut best because land suitable, easy to care for, + easy to market
best polowijo peanuts + soy beans for same reasons
every hectare produces 500 K dry padi a musim = 200 cleaned beras
peanuts get 1000 K (10 Q) per hectare in shell - 
to replant peanuts pick onl the