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best in shell (disportin) + dry- taking care of polowijod is easier than padi
about 50% of people, acc. to Harto, now eat nice- because incomes increasing from ken + other outside activities
are a few households w/out land- if so can (1) become brunch pandai besi (2) brunch tani in another's fields, (3) dagang tools- confirmed that is penguajin sent to fields by pengusaha, salaries same.
if no work in ladang, the pengrajin let go + must find other sorts of work until parapet has enough raw materials to reopen - if this happens acc. to Harto are no hard feelings, but just considered a usual occurrence (diangkap bias)
kerajinan more profitable than agr.
co. tax 300-400 Rp per year per parapen
land or farm tax (IPEDA) based on size of holdings, 700 Rp per hectare per year


other than Rainto, Pak Dibyo from Dep. Per. G.K. often to Kajar
-capital for medium-sized perapen, acc. to Harto, 20,000 Rp a day
-Pak Harto started as a pedagang (house of Sastro actually house of Bu Sastro = house of parents of Harto -- formerly Harto lived there)
Harto estimates 15 days a year in fields enough:
plant 5 days
weed 3 "
harvesting 7"
many people in the village of K. with motorcycles
Harto estimates that 30% of households produce enough from fields to supply food needs, while 70% must buy some food
-greatest profit not from agr. or owning perapens, but from trading (mendagang) tools made in the village
-coop started as legal body 24 May, 1962 - no. of 279 / BH / XI
-reason began because made easier to get raw materials; formerly bought rails w/out letter from govn. + often conviscated by police who resold in Jogja of