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Pak Kartoutomo (contd.)
pedagang charcoal who don't sell three coop from Kec Panggang, Kec Tepus, Kec. [[Wonosaru?]]
-price of djati tahun 1200 Rp per karong (sack = 20K)- djati tahun is a kind of teak which can grow for many years with wide leaves (as opposed to djati londo = BELANDA with narrow leaves which can't grow for many years
-even more expensive is ironwood charcoal (kayu besi) but seems to be rare around Kajar now; if sold 100 Rp per K or 2000 Rp per karong
are acc. to Harto, only 30 pengusaha who use coop regularly; because, acc. to him, coop lacks capital to receive goods from all
(Joko asks if there is a 2nd subgroup who are tied to Pak Pujosartono the way others are tied to Sastro).
-BIMAS began about 1967 in Kajar- BMAS paid + BIMAS polowijo programs only,
-for BIMAS padi get fertilities