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Kajar as long as have a connection with the coop is a trader 
Pak H. hopes in the future to get aid from govn. in form of capital, &  if does will use to "memperluas usahanya" (expand his enterprise)
- from Pak H's family his son Bari once was a trader but now "bergerak dibidang pengangkutan" (is active in transport business - in fact Bari is a nice-looking rather citified kid who lived at Pak Sastro & works as his truck driver)
- padi is weeded 3 times at one month- intervals
- soybeans and peanuts weeded only once
- ani 2 used thruout Kajar (never use sabit) - ani 2 made in Kajar itself - both men & women use no mechanized farm tools in Kajar
- Pak H mengikuti BIMAS for padi & polowijo ; means he gets fertilizer & money loan from BRI Unit Desa Wonosari
- once village called together & given info by agr. extension office about BIMAS (Pak Mantri Pertanian)
rice pounded at home


(w/ J) interview with Pak Pujosartono, 6 July '78
- initial observations: large house with stone block  floors, glass windows on inside front room with individual pink curtains, 3 perapens to the rt of the house with room furthest rt. used as a storeroom for iron & finished tools; 3 paper & foil signs in front room which say welcome "Sugeng Rawuh"; wife with lots of gold jewelry 7 gold tooth; some store bought & some homemade furniture; most of walls of teak, some painted; raised roof of G.K. style in front room, with 8 posts & carved & painted crosspieces with words "Kink Berdikari"; back side walls of gedek; carboard & wooden

[[margin note]]
Berdikari = Berderi Atas Kaki Sendiri = independent
[[/margin note]]

[[image - sketch of house layout]] 

[[image - sketch of, 2 perapens & 3 anvils]]

butterflys as wall decorations, picture of Suharto & ex V-P Hamenkubuwono
- character of Pak Pujo can be described as young 45, modest, responsible, open to new ideas, not well-educated, friendly, not apparently very influential in the politics of the

Transcription Notes:
[[sketch of house layout is labeled (left>right top>bottom) sleeping room; kitchen; general purpose rooms; guest room; storeroom]]