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community, willing to take risks, a good choice for the IM bank loan he received which he has almost finished repaying (contd. p. 38)

interview w/ Pak Siswosoemarto (W7 J) (Pangusi)
initial observations: 2 perapens, large mainly wooden house of G.K. style (roofs raised in center, held up by large wooden posts, underside of tiles exposed), stepped yard, very rocky, well made stone walls & steps dividing yard levels, gedek storage house for fodder, small grave in yard of infant, fair sized cow pen, his estimate of 1000^2 M pekarangan short & more like 2000^2 M, road in OK & trucks can reach front yard; production on a lower level behind house, with separate finishing area on side of house; just off finishing area a room where supplies & finished products stored

[[image - drawing of house plan]]
1 = rumah
2 = sumbur & km. mandi
3 = perapen
4 = maham bagi
5 = kandang sapi
6 = [[?]] makanan sapi
[[margin note]]
well constructed & enclosed WC & plastered well walls
[[/margin note]]

[[margin note]]
character of Pak Pangusi: simple man but not stupid, says he's 36 but looks older (maybe early 40's), not an important man in village affairs, but successful apparently in his business, works indep. of coop & Sastro
[[/margin note]]


June 30th, '78: Rasulan or the "Bersih Desa" festival for the week before little activity in perapens because 1. preparing for festival 2. harvesting peanut & soybean crop 
Rasul = prophet
pray for the safety of Mohammed, hoping he will put in a word with God for us
Bersih Desa means to clean the village of bad spirits
money for festival from selling harvest
most of Kajar people living outside come home for the festival (with bad city manners and bright-colored clothes, arriving by bus or colt at the village to impress their family & friends)
morning (about 7:00 AM attended a Selamatan at house of Pak Atmo, Dukoh of KIII
only males attended except yours truly & households with no adult males represented by little boys or a neighbor
every person who attended brought food, both rice & lauk,