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| are burned in the [[perapen?]] Pak Pujo is asli Kedung
- before he [[crossed out word]] became a [[pengusaha?]], he was a trader in tools, trading them as far as Jakarta + else- when
- he has never worked as a [[pengrajin?]] (tho probably can fill in if abs. necess., considering his father [[crossed out word]] was an [[impu?]])
- compared to petanian + keraji nan, trading tools is the most profitable
- but farming is a safeguard ("andalan")
- oldest son (Sukasti) has taken courses in [[Jogja?]] concerning [[ker.?]], but Pak Pujo + other workers havn't
after taking a course there was no progress ([[kemanpuanya?]] sama saja") because what was taught in the course was basics which every [[pengs.?]] knows already.
- Pak Pujo says if buy new types of equip. expensive + workers may not be able to use it properly
- if given a choice of [[?]] of aid
from govn. prefer cash, because with [[?]] equipm. can abs. [[made?]] good + cheap products + for what need [[crossed out word]] new types of equipm.
before 7 years ago could only make farm tools of common types, but nor can make any tool of any type as long as given a [[contoh?]]
how to make a new type from a cantoh:
1. discuss first with all the work[[crossed out]]ing[[crossed out]]ers about how to make
2. trial tool
3. discuss again, + how to improve
4. actual production
general educ. level SD for both men + women
Pak Pujo has never lived in city but formerly often went to city for [[dogang?]] + says has traveled all over Java, East + West, North + South
- age of [[pengrajin?]] varies usually from 20 - 70
- wage based on a daily rate + paid weekly but if [[crossed out word]] special need can get before the week is out or even get

[[left margin]]
((no testing?))
[[left margin]]

Transcription Notes:
Left margin note was written to the left of "1. discuss first with all the work[[crossed out]]ing[[crossed out]]ers about how to make"