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an advance 
parapens of Pak Pujo have never been macet (blocked, work stopped) & has never sent pengr. to ladang -if needs workers for ladang hire people from the area who work as buruh tani instead with intention to give a chance for employment to those who can't get work in perapens
(( tho no particular pol. position in the village, often expressed social-minded & paternalistic sentiments))

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would figure him a good bet for the next Dukoh when Pak Wonso (now about 80) dies
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if a worker sick will get help from the pengusaha as needed ("secukupnya")
- for families with perapens wife takes care of the ladang; all aspects except paying wages ((contradicts info that most wives hold money- in fact we did see his wife ask him for money to buy sugar)) ((wife a bit of a twit))
decisions about what will be done in the ladang are made by husband & wife together thru discussions the night before, or if the 


husband can get away to the ladang for a few minutes in the morning will be discussed there
- since Pak Pujo has a backlog of orders customers must often wait; if don't want to wait are told to please go to another perapen ("dipersilahkan ke perapen lain")
products now stronger, sharper & better-shaped than before, acc. to Pujo
-besides the 2 perapens & 3 empu at his own house, Pak Pujo also owns 4 perapens located on land of other people for which he supplies the capital; all in Kedung; each of the 4 managed ("dipercaya") by the person on who land it is located; every morning that person picks up raw materials from Pak Pujo's warehouse (to the east of his house - we didn't see) & every evening "titips" (saves, returns) finished tools to the warehouse 
workers from the 4 perapens pick up their salaries from