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Pujo's place once a week
6 perapens 7 empus use up 40 files a month (40 = 2 "dozaan", apparently a distortion of dozen used in that area)
Pak Pujos hours not fixed; usually gives morning instructions & then maybe once in 3 days spends a bit longer in the perapens
Pak Pujo does his own marketing
-sometimes perapens work "lembur" an overtime if a lot of orders & must be finished in a short time
- if overtime take a rest from 4-6PM, begin working again at 6 & work till 11:00 with same salary as daytime & evening meal (tho work hrs in even less Pujo claims that no. of tools produced will be same as daytime- means workers are pushing harder)
- on average work "lembur" at least 5 nights a month
- use a petromax at night
-busiest time "labuan" = transition month when preparing land for planting (about late [[unclear strikethrough word]] Oct, early Nov)
slowest month the month before

see book II, p72


saw materials from Cilacap ((big [[strikethrough]] steel [[/strikethrough]] steel factory there)) - a trader comes from Cilacap & menyetor the raw materials there - acc. to Pujo the pedagang is very reliable & never late
((is this why Pujo's tools considered better than others - why don't other perapens use new steel from Cilacap - what is the price difference & difference in workability?))
for 7 empus & 6 [[unclear strikethrough word]] perapen use 2Q (200K) iron at 22,000 Rp per day = 110 Rp per K ((compared with 100 per K for rails, acc to J.)
14 Karong of charcoal used per day, at 14,000 (1000 Rp per)
-so working capital with wages 58,000+ per day if no over-time 7 [[unclear strikethrough word]] not yet includes files, oil for lamps, etc (files used up at rate of 1 1/3 a day or 2000 Rp daily)
((this means incredibly his working capital about 1.8 Million rupiahs or between $4500-$5000 per month not incl. 5 days overtime))

acc. to Rianto this not true - altho Pujo gets from [[unclear strikethrough word]] Cilacap, also old rails

Transcription Notes:
Page 48 margin note is related to "labuan". This is known because the word is underlined in the same color the note is written. Page 49 margin note is next to "((is this why ... worka-bility?))"