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(see p. 28 [[cross-out]] for initial observations)

no family members in town 19 workers in his 2 perapens (3 empu, 9 panjak, 2 ubub, 5 kikir)

1. Ngatmongadiko     ,40.     M.
2. Nadiyo            ,30.     M.
3. Mugi              ,32.     M.
1. Watini             ,15.    F.
2. Wagiyah            ,17.    F.
1. Martopaijan        ,42.
2. Wiro               ,40.
3. Moyong             ,32.
4. Pawiro             ,32.
5. Slamet             ,36.
1. Suradji            ,30.            (younger brother of ? )
2. Tugino             ,20.            (younger brother of Ibu...
3. Paimin              ,32.
4. Ngatiyo             ,25.
5. Paiman              ,27.
6. Wakidjo             ,25.
7. Tunekal             ,26.
8. Patmokemis          ,37.
9. Ngadiran            ,38.

- One of the empus (Nadiyo) from Budigen, (neighboring kalurahan)
-perapens started in '72.


most of his workers have been with him since that time (2 are adiks) make all kinds of farm & workmen's tools
never got orders for unusual or new types of tools
process as described by P.

1. rail split lengthwise in two
2. cut into pieces of rt. size for tool want to make 
3 put in fire  (3 or 4 times)
4 beaten  (3 or 4 times)
5. filed
6. hardened by plunging heated tool into water

can make 36 dandang a day from 3 empus
small tatas (wood carving tools) can produce 300 a day from 3 empus ((low productivity compared to some perapens))
no changes in method these 6 years 
- Siswo does the hardening process himself so will be done well because "masih belum puas"
(unsatisfied) with way others workers do it - if left in fire too long will break when plunged in water; and if not long enough 

Transcription Notes:
fixed some mistake: empu, panjak, ubub, kikir name ending usualy in -djo (old spelling) kelurahan means village, Ann used kalurahan spelling probably regional variation or misheard