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will not be hard & edge will
crumble with use
if open a perapen need following 
tools & equipment:
1. ubub - 1 (homemade - Rp 5000 value)
2. paron - 1 homemade, raw material bought, worth Rp 10,000 for a 
   anvil                                               large one 
3. large hammer - one for each
   panjak - 1 worth 750 Rp-

homemade from same iron as tools but can be used  because tools soft from fire

4. 5 small hammers - one worth 150Rp- homemade
5. 5 supit (tongs) minimum worth Rp 200 each
6. betel & peningkab 
   wedges & tools for making grooves & cutting of & pieces
   5 homemade -100 Rp each value
for 3 perapen use up 3 week 

-6. files = 4 a month buy for 1500 Rp each
7. charcoal poken (cakaswa)
   1 - homemade worth about Rp 100


 (( so acc. to these requires need about 25,600 starting capital for equipment))
value assigned to homemade tools by P.based on price if buy multiple

-before having perapens Pak Sis - Pamusi was a pedagang of tools; he understood "teori" of making but never did himself
since starting perapen has never had to stop working
best sales jst before rainy season; no variation in market for alat pertukangkan
asal from Kajan

when a child only about 10 perapens or less (in KIII?) 
empus are more skilled + can make more complex tools ("dulu hanya bisa membuat alat sederhana") e.g. sabit, gatul, etc. -

skills began to improve about 15 years ago acc. to sis -P -Suraji(adik sis -P) got a course in Jogja for 15 days sometime this year (?) about pandai besi
-Sis never has lived in city
-empu Wadiyo upah 900 Rp daily

Transcription Notes:
Pak is simplified as P. perapen probably means foundry (javanese) alat pertukangan is tools (indonesian) teori is theory (indonesian) asal is from (indonesian) KIII probably regional district can be kelurahan or kecamatan ("dulu hanya bisa membuat alat sederhana") direct quote meaning earlier only can made simple tools upah means wages