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1 Q = 100 K
[[circled]] 1 ton = 1000 K [[/circled]]
empu Ngatmo 800 Rp
" Mugi 750 Rp
acc. to skills
panjak 350 Rp
ubub 200 (F)
kikir 350 Rp
payment made after every sale, can be anywhere from 2 to 7 days
sales at Jogia, Muntilan, Magelang - fixed langanans, all pribumi, with cash in full payments
tools taken there by colt; colt stopped by hailing on the main road + not  a special charter - never sells via coop
work from 8-4, lunch at 12, + often snacks w/ tea
in busy season can work up to 10 days overtime (lembur); lembur 7 PM - 12 PM with same wages as earned in daytime + even. meal
even tho working only 5 hrs again hear that hasil same as daytime i.e. same no of tools produced 
says because when an empu work

in daytime he is more relaxed (tidak sepenuh tenaga")
wages always in cash, never in kind
empus can work with any panjak, acc to Sis - P
acc to Sis never has to look for workers, because workers often come to him + ask if he has an opening
Sis - P. gives morning instructions + then usually leaves the parapen rather than waiting around - docs come around to do hardening work ((Joko timed at 2 1/2 min per alat or about 1 1/2 hrs per day))
lakan baku rel from Klaten or Jogja - disetor with Sis - P.
- if supplies almost used up + usual supplies hasn't come around will go to Jogja to buy
In Jogja source located in Nambuzan ((south of Panembahan, yard of Pak Atmo))
if need workers for ladang sometimes take a few from perapens, but not all