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pengrajin in the perapens
no other outside activities for members of Pak Sis's household
- Pak Sis says work as a farmer & as a pengusaha "diangkap sama" ie considered of equal importance, but for official purposes ie. kartu penduduk he lists himself as a toni
- never short of labor
- is a member of coop, but not active, [[strikethrough]] bu [[/strikethrough]] because it is more profitable to use own capital ("lebih untung memakai modal sendiri") - reason that if use coop model, price coop pays for finished tools low
- coop meets once a year & never report to members about financial matters ("tidak pernah melaporkan ke anagota mengenai keuangan kooperasi")
- menurut Pak sis, koop tidak beres (doesn't run well) but no member is brave enough to ask anything ("tidak ada anggota yang berani tanya") because acc. to Sis, nobody understands what is going on


because everything is controlled by Sastro ("semuanya dikuasai Pak Sastro") 
Pak Sis has never got an order via [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] the koop 
has no plans yet to open new parapens, because feels not yet able to manage (not enough time or energy - "tidak mampu mengawasi")
has no special warehouse, but 1 room in his house as storeroom
- has a motorcycle, 130 cc
- has never borrowed capital from a bank, but once borrowed 50,000 from coop in 1976 for 6 months, every payment 12,800 Rp
((8.96% a month or 53.6% in 6 months))

harga jual outside        harga jual to koop
DANDANG        600                        450
TATAH          50-75                        -
KAMPAK         400                        400 (lebih besar)
WADUNG         400                          -
PETEL          250                        200

amount of each tool made depends on requests from buyer