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ngadi, younger brother of Sastro-
saw same child working in
both warungs at diff. times))
- workers of Pak Sib can borrow
rice + later taken off salary
- greatest risk of all village
occupations that of pedagang
- if pacekik must look for
work of any kind outside be-
cause none of neighbors can
- most pengrajin + penduduk,
in fact, educ. SD level
- pengrajin eat more
- all tools used from penguraha
- [[strikethrough]] children or [[/strikethrough]] children of pengrajin not necess. pengr.

July 15 4:00 PM - visited graves of Kasan Ichsan +
Gunowikaryo on the bukit east of Sumber Kajar (Gunung Watu)
to north of the hill a small dam across the path of Sumber K., con-
structed in 1976

Photos Needed from Kajar
1. pasar legi, incl. grass, charcoal, gaplak sellers
2. Pak Sastro's house + store
3. " " warehouse across from store
4. " " truck + colts
5. tools for pertanian
6. tools " pertukangan
7. lesung gaplek
8. intercropping
9. lembu w/ kandang
10. rails
11. Pak + Bu Sastro
12. 3 dukohs of Kajar
13. girl tukang ububs
14. fire with sparks flying
15. stone hills
16. Sumber Kajar
17. Suber west of K (w/ banyan)
18. coop sign
19. gamelon
20. outside view of parapens
21. wooden beams + beam ornament of 
G. K. houses
22. outside view of house, well-to-do + poorer
23. all capital equipment
24. retail outlet at Pasar Wonosari
25. Projek Induk building
24. interview