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for large tools each of Pak P's empus uses 30 K iron daily with average of 85k per day for the 3
if orders for small tools use 20-25k per empu daily
1 1/2 karong (sacks) of areng per per perapen at 1200Rp karong
pedagang who place large orders not only stipulate shape but also weight, while small traders only stipulate wt iron bought from large market in Jogja (Beringharjo)-have in past also bought at Semarang or Cilacap 
sometimes pedagangs also came from Jogja or Medari (between Klaten and Solo-area known for weaving) & setor loads of iron with Pak P.
-six months ago price of charcoal still 600Rp per karong; price has gone up because too much rain & hard to make (if dry year price goes down)
pedagangs bring him arong


from Patuk and area to the south (Gunung Kidul)
Patuk traders brings by colt & he pays brice - G.K. trader brings by pikul 
2 types of marketing: 
1. take himself by colt to Jogja at cost of 50-75 Rp per bungkus ((per wrapped package of tools - we often saw bundles wrapped in bagor or karung waiting pick-up along main road))
2. picked up by colt by Jogja trader 
all Pak P's children still in school, oldest in SMA Wonosari (Sardi) - Sunar does work in perapens but after school hrs
never setor to Sastro, because price given by Sastro low & prefers better price he can get if sells himself
main problem capital & says profits low because capital low 
wages paid once in 10 days