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rather than cutting + heating new iron
if has capital, market good + can find good emper would like to open another perapen -
- perapen has never shutdown entirely due to shortage of labor, but often work w/out full crew
no advance payment from traders
biggest order: 500,000 Rp
- large orders not too often
- the biggest order from Chinese in Senang but now all his langganan Jawa + says "gave" all his Chinese customers to Sastro ("diserahlean ke Pak Sastro")
hopes govn. will give new materials - says letter than money because anyway money will be used for raw materials
- 1 bicycle
- 1 sapi, 3 kambing
all his workers have a little ladang non are landless
- once bought tanah tahunan 1 hekt. 125,000 per yr. + only for one year
- once planted brambang (red onions) + from 1K seeds got 1 quintal brambang - growing sason 75 days
- both uret + wereng have experience + got 75% only of crop
kedelai subject to remis, a very tiny snail
rat plague about 15 years ago until crops wipes out + people bitter - food bought from other desas where the rats didn't come thru + money from whatever could find to sell acc. to him rats came ashore at Tegal on north shore, turned east to Semanang Jogja, Wonosani + left by swimming into South Seas (people say sent by Nyai Loro Kidyl) acc. to Pak. P. hasil of village enough for needs if weren't a lot of ceremonies + other coial needs which use up food (is starck food traded for meat + luperies?)
extra food bought at Pasas Wonosani
retail prices kept a secret by pedagang