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- re Seleng, Dibyo tells that when 
take bird cages by foot to
 Madiun buy birds on the way
- if sell bird cages at Wono-sari 
/ pair sells for Rp 400, 
while can get 800 a pair    
-coming back also buy birds (perkutut)
birds 250-500 Rp apiece and sell on way back in Jogja for 500-750 Rp     
[IN LEFT MARGIN] July 11 with Joko and Pak Dibyo

[underline] my notes: [end underline]
visit to area of Sodo (Sada) where 3 types of j
kerajinan: coconut graters (parut kelapa), bamboo winnowing trays and containers, bird cages
[underline] preliminary observations from Ann: [end underline]
fairly wide road leading to Sodo, 6K from Jogja, but road very rocky, full of holes and rather dangerous for motorcycles

[IN LEFT MARGIN: sic 11k SW of Wonosan]

land not very different from Kajas, with thin layer (1 1/2M) rocky topsoil living atop karst limestone; water from natural wells (sumber air), small streams that disappear in dry season
none of the rocky bukits seen and general lie of the land surrounding Sodo area more of a plain
noticeable structures seen:
1. large graveyard where Kyai Ageng Giring (see p. 22-23) buried - (site of pilgrimages by important persons around the building which houses tomb of K.A.G. are commoner graves of G. K.