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tampahs & tenong (winnowing trays) from Jambu & Tambakrejo
bird cages mainly from Sidorejo
5 dukohs are
Pelem Gede

water for cooking & drinking from springs & river Kepuh
-fertility bedang
-drought in 1977 for 7 months & couldn't plant - lived from kerajinan only
-from sungai Kepuh about 2K from north of Sodo & watered dipikuled or occasionally (during drought) a govn. tank trunk sent to help
-traders sometimes pick up kes. from Ponjong & Nglipar, using rented truck
but also residents sell their own products to various markets
are 2 SD's in Sodo 
acc. to Pak Carik a lot of ker. in Sodo because "penduduknya padat dan tandh untuk per-
tanian kurang"
raw materials for parut wood & fine wire
wood gotten by going around to other desas and asking who has wood to sell - mostly nangka & teak but can use any wood that is hard & cheap to buy
wire bought from store in Sodo owned by Pak Hartoyo
-only raw material for tampah is bamboo (fine lash-
ings also bamboo) 
bought also from villages nearby
-for bird cages raw materials wood, bamboo, tiny nails
-some overtime night work using mainly oil lamps, some Petroman
are also people who find work as bakuls
-no Padat Karya in Sodo tho is in neighboring areas
road repair secarah gotong poyong pernah