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how to apply gold leaf
often have guests from Ambasukmo to house of Pak Keni (son-in-law of Pak Dukoh) - buy 50,000-100,000 Rp worth of each time)
acc. to Pak Dukoh are 90 batik makers, all women oldest female wayang maker about 45
women can do all processes, incl. 
sungging - acc. to Pak Atmo studied from parents
history: in 1918 Atmokaryo (Father of Pak Dukoh) was a poor man; earned his living as a roving performer (MBARANG) using costume which included head & other pieces of skin which he made himself
hadnt studied from anyone, but self-taught
one day he Mbarang as far as Kota Gede & met Pak Lurah of Prenggan areas named Wiryosudarmo
Pak W. asked him if he wanted to go to sekolah kerajfinan for wayang making at the Kepatihan & he agreed to
6- mo. course & then told by Pak Lurah to go back to Pocung & make wayangs & products bought by Pak Lurah
also began teaching people around him
mulai berkenbang about 1970; acc. to Atmodiryo bacuse he wented out looking for new markets & made langgananswith Tjokrosoeharto & Mulyodihario
-about 4 years ago Nj. Tuti from Sarinah came to Pak Dukoh & said she needed fans, lamp shades etc
because Pak Dukoh felt he was already ol, he turned it all over to Pak Keni; at same time he gave 4000Rp as starting capital to Pak Keni & says this capital already 5 million now ((doesn't make sense))
-Keni gives skins to pengrajin which they work into puppets at own homes - then wayang yang sudah ditatah tapi belum disungging disetor to Pak Keni
10 tukang sungging at house of Pak Keni, paid per piece