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in this month has been hard to find skins; say habis in Jogja
if no skins pengrajin sent to ladang.
sometimes work overtime if many orders
main shortage of labor in Pocung is tukang sungging - sometimes Pak Keni must send to Pak Rabiyo of the Manding coop untuk disungging if he has a large order to be filled in a short time
most of Pocung's sales are of unpainted puppets (gebingan, keputihan) because market requests
many sold to Lakang oungging in Jogja or disetorkan to Mulyodiharjo in Patang Pulahan area of Jogja (PakMul) 
do not receive cash payment when selor ((i.e. given on consignment)) + only paid when sold; once Pak Dukon had 240,000 worth of puppets at Pak Mulyodi - harjo's but for 3 years not paid; in the end he was forced to 

accept a motorcycle as payment tho would have preferred cash - at Tjokrosocharto + one other store mentioned with similar name receive cash in full but price low
in Jogja about 60 tukang sungging in Tukangan, corner of the Beteng wall, etc.
one well-known tukang sungging Pak Gendul, south of Beteng + turn north 
three months ago Sarinah placed an order with Pak Keni for 30,000 fans needed in 15 days; were able to fill the order with everyone in the village working overtime
at Pocung can make all types of wayangs from all stories of Ramayana + Mahab. + dalangs sometimes order from there: Hadi - sugito of Kulon Progo, Timbal, Sugi + others
profit from / hide about 300Rp; principle of the pengrajin, acc. to Pak Atmo, is "gsal tidak rugi" ("just so we don't take a loss") actually make a larger profit per puppet on painted puppets,