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income ("sawah makin sempit karena dibagi 2/diwaris dan karena kelahiran tinggie - jadi kebutuhanya naik maka orang hasus casi tambahan penghasilan dengan mengrajin sebab hasil dari pertanilan tidak cukup")

because of this Pak Atmo con - siders kerajinan very imp. + every Saturday he gives classes to SD students in his house for +/- 2 his if no duties at the kalurahan

-acc. to Pak Atmo he gets the most attention of all the Dukohs from Pak Lurah (because of the wayang industry)

- lessons to SD students have been going on for 3 yrs

Mantri Peslaoian has chosen Pak Dukoh as a model farmer (Petani Teladan) + he heads up 2 groups of farmers

1. Kelompok Pendengas Siaran Peofesaan (radio listening group every Thur. night / listen to farm news)

2. Klompok Balak (field group - every few days meet near the fields + discuss farm problems)

in neighboring Dukoh Wagasasi some land rented for sugar done by Madukismo Sugar factory - 1 hektare 200,000Rp for 15 months - rented out on 30 mo. contracts with 2 payments

in Pocung tried to rent but fobidden by Pak Dukoh because he feels that if villagers receive a large amt. of money will use for unnecessary things ("kelperluan tidak pokok") + then lack food later on this in turn can cause crime + other problems in the area ("perampokan, pencurian, d.ll."))

sale prices

1. peanuts shelled 300 Rp per K (usually sold here)

2. tobacco, processed
2000 - 3000 Rp per K depeneding on quality (acc. to Joko only bottom leaves plant best quality)

3. soybeans 200 Rp per K

4. Kacang hijau 250 Rp per K