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*acc. to Pak Atmo more people now eat more gaplek [[strikethrough "that"]] than formerly because formerly with lower pop. rice production enough for needs ("jamandulu orang distu mala hanya makan beras karena hasil padi waktu cukup untuk makan orang 2 disitu karena sawah masih luas dan orangnya masih sedikit, talapi sekarang penduduk tambah banyak dan hasil sawah makin sedikit (pes orang)")
people now eat twice a day, once a day rice & once a day gaplek
after selling puppets in Jogja buy rice on way home for 125 - 130 per K
nowadays people also eat salt fish (ikan asin) on the advice of Mantri Keschatan
- acc to Pak Dukoh main occup. is mengrajin but if asked people will say petanian Yong pokok because afraid will be taxed - but they are not really sure whether or not
a tax exists on pengrajin ((is a pajak on perusahan))
6 small warungs in Karangasem which sell daily needs on the east of Karangasem is Dukoh Dengkeng, to north also Dengkeng, to west Nogosari, to south Mangunan
white stones used for well walls, batu WC, tegel, etc. sold in Jogja - Nogosari mainly active in this, not Karangasem - in Nogosari about 50 houses which process the stones (we saw a colt picking up the stones along the main road) - 
-in Karangesem Pak D. says about 20 people dagang lamps + 15 carpenters, 1 mask maker (Wargi) + 2 weavers (B. Atmo-arjo + B. Kasandinomo) 
- are 140 households in Karangasem
- acc to Pak Dukoh everybody in Karangasem has a side occupation + absolutely no one does farming only
- in Karangasem are white + black brahmas + acc to Pak Dukoh no water buffalos (we