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selling by the pikul to pengajin acc. to Pak Kurah can earn at most 300 Rp daily in this way
mulai berkembang, acc. to Pak Kurah, about 4 yrs ago - what caused: Ibu Slaiman, Pak Sulianas (( Lorne Read Dept Per. D.I.Y.)) and Ibu Sulyantoro came to Pak Ngadigo's place - brought some of the curly animals away - took them as far as abroad ("Ongenis, Amerika, L.L.L")and therefore many tourists started coming and become famous 
Story about a certain Pak Jembak who got a commission from a Dutchman named DeAras - DeArass asked for a bust of himself in clay, - Pak Gembuk made the bust to look exactly like Degrass down to the curly beard but when Degrass saw result he was so mad that after paying for the bust, he smashed it to bits saying "Do you really think I look like that?" ("Masa supa saya jelek begitu") 

so then Pak Gembuk gave him a mirror to look in so he would believe it. 
When asked if women always make grabah + men make animals he said not always - if the man is lazy he will prefer to make grabah because  easier + satisfied with  just enough profit for daily needs 
formerly transport a problem to get across Sungai Bedok- had ti criss by traub ((2)) + colts couldn't enter the area; if wasn't much water bakuls could also wade across
but in 1975 built a good bridge + transport now easy
-most of bakul grabahs also from Kasongan, acc to Pak Lurah ((contradicts what I've heard from Nancy)) - some pengrajin do their own selling, some people sell only, + some mengrajia only
-from the 5 families products picked up + taken to Semarang, Purworejo, Purwokesto, Gak.