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across broken cermaics incl. animal figures ((see dissertation by Sumigati head of the Jurusan Arkeologi filed in Library Sastra, anthro building, G.M campus - says ceramic industry in Kasongan of great antiquity))
- were told women cannot make animal figures ("tidak lrisa brikin") but they don't know why 
women only can make grabah
- types of grabah made:
1. pot (flower pots)
2. anglo (charcoal burners)
3. keren (wood burner)
4. kwali (round cooking pot)
5. pengaron
6. cowek (mortar, for making sambal)
-never works nights, never hires extra labor
-if gets a large order, just borrow finished products from his son's working places
-uses +/- 2 quintals of clay (200K) & 14 quintals of sand per month
- Pak K. says owns only 100^2 M of sawah, no tegal, and says 


half of this planted in cane, yet says gets 2 quintals of rice every season & plants 3 seasons for a total of 6 Q. per year ((is this really possible off of 50^2M of land?- recheck with figures at the dukoh's office))
last year got 12,000 Rp [[strikethrough]] [[hard]] [[/strikethrough]] rent off of cane land this year with new system the hasil will be divided into thirds as follows:
1/3 for workers
1/3 for "onkos giling" (cost of processing cane)
1/3 for Pak K. 
Pak K. hires someone (1 person) to farm his land, does not farm himself - the buruh is still a family member & from Kajen
Pak K is pekarangan on which the three houses located 1060M^2
- no labels or trademarks in-dicating name of pengrajin, household or name of village ever used
Pak K. has 3 times in past