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3 years gotten BRI loans of
100,000 Rp each
Pak Buang helped him get these
loans & apparently money divided 
among the family, not for Pak
K's work place only.
Pak K owns 2 sapi, no other 
livestock - acc. to Pak Buang
these used as "klangenan"
[[scratched out]] (for fun, pleasure)
& not used in fields
owns own well, 12M 
prices: small horse: 500 Rp
        large garuda: 2000 Rp
once got an order for a naga
2M. long for 25,000 Rp
         flower vases: 300 - 500 Rp
((if we take 1000Rp as an average 
figure this means sales of Rp 100,000
per month))
acc. to Buang figures in stores
will be sold for 3x (Semarang)
to 6x ((Jakarta) these prices.
- most people in Kas. go to private
doctors & very few use dukuns
(tinggal sedikit sekali)
- kiln, acc. to Buang, not
useable + buildings constructed
not turned over to pengrajin
yet - people don't want to use
workshop because located in
another kalurahan (Tirtonismo-
acc. to Buang (who dominated 
last half of this interview)
most of sales to Indonesians
and about 35% only to foreigners
-wages of Pupuk: paid per
piece as follows
         small figure  250 Rp
         large    "    500-1000 Rp
acc. to Buang he earns 500
or more per day
- black figures double-fired
- acc. to Buang impossible to
control heat well enough to
avoid fire clouds
- not many pengrajin in Kas.
who receive a wage, acc.
to Buang ("belum banyak")
- Pak K. has a radio, no TV
(Pak Buang has a TV however)
-acc. to Buang market better
this year than last because
are new styles - people who
have the old styles are coming
back + buying more figures in
the new styles - new styles from 
their own imagination