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says a perbot will last 200 years ((means each of these 3 spending about 125 Rp per month for raw materials with virtually no capital equipment cost except the gubug))
sand used by Buang from his mother-in-laws pekarangan about 500M away from Buang's gubug
no fixed langanans
Buang owns 1 bicycle, 1 motor -
cycle, 1 TV accu (pronounced aki)
-1 sapi
-250 chickens bought recently-
does his own vaccinating using medicine purchased over the counter in Jogja stores
-once in 3 years plants cane 
on his land ((this is really a 
plan since hasn't had his
land very long)) - says he can save enough rice from yields during rice seasons to last him thru the (15-mo.)
cane season w/out having
to purchase any extra rice
-family eats only rice, says 
he dislikes corn & gaplek
-rice is digiling (polished,


cleaned) at Niten at a cost of 250 Rp per Quintal
gets 4 Q of cleaned beras each season.
owns following farm tools:
1 cankul
1 gerek (called "sodu" in Kasongan)
1 ani 2
wife takes a break from household chores to harvest

[IN LEFT MARGIN: August 15 with Marni]

interview with Pak Ngadio, first pengrajin in Kas. to make animal figures with ukir tempel

HH: Pak Ngadio  45
Bu " 35
Ngadionian 20 younger bother of Ngadio
Muyiyona 12 AL
Mujiran 7 AL
Suratmi 3 1/2 AP

Ngadimin & Ngadio make ukir tempel, Bu makes painted celengan (animal banks without ukir tempel)
- makes animal figures in several styles, water pots (kendi), statues,
Batak-like figures riding on horn shaped vessel Pak Ngadio has stayed with