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attended a course at Anbarukmo hotel for 2 weeks in 1977 arranged by Dept. Per.
also a 1 month course at ASRI (date?) about seni + kekuatan (art & product strength) - Pak Narno & Pak Widayat instructiors
- has no well of own & shares with 2 other households (cost of making also shared)owns 1 kerbau, but mother takes care of under gaduh system = if 2 calves, one for each of them.
Pak Ngadio has used electric kiln at Semaki (Dep. Pek.) - cost of firing Rp 1000 per piece but says result better than yard firing
from 1963-66 says he worked at Dept Per under Pak Sukaino & paid a weekly wage of 7000Rp ((this overlaps with dates for Saptoh))
while at Dep Per figures he made [[divarish?]] silver or gold colored + sold abroad 
main food rice, buys about 30K a month at 125Rp per K
-red figures fired once 3 1/2 hrs


& black 2x, first half-done for 1 hour, cooled, & second 3 hrs

my notes: house cannot be reached by large vehicle but is a short walk in on rt. side as enter village 
has no gubug but works on porch - like area in front of house
- Pak Ngadio shy, vague, pleasant; appears not to be very pop. with rest of commun., perhaps because some jealousy back & forth, perhaps because stayed a long time outside; appears to have no business sense 7 considers himself rather diff. than others (orang seniman, bukan pensajin paja ) 
clay stored by wok in area house comb. gedek & tembok, unplastered -house & yard small; floor of dirt; petronah; rough furniture

Aug 16, 1978 - interview with Sidal (sign with dragon on left side of main road coming in)