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because Kas. people have no sawah
-has no sawah, no tegal, and
only about 500m2 of pekarangan
-doesn't plant much, 1 or 2
coconut trees and some bamboo
-main food rice; buys all, about
60 K per mo. @ 130Rp
-no other occupation but nengi[(?)].
-cost of making a gubug about Rp15,000
- land at Bibis where clay gotten
owned by a man named Buang

(Friday night is a Ketopsak)
-Pak Sidal open, good-hearted, modest, and sexy [(?)] sukali
house of tembok, cement floors,
medium-sized, new furn. -
no refreshments anywhere because
fasting month


Aug. 3, 78 interview with Margoyuwono (with good-looking brother)

1. Margoyuwono | 33 TH. | L.
2. Ny. Margotuwono | 25 TH. | P.
3. Agus Sutanto | 5 TH. | L. | Anak.[[?]]
4. Tri Sutanti | 1 TH. | P. | Anak.


Ibu also makes one pengrajin bukan famili who is paid
shares orders with brothers, who live nearby
makes lampshades, kipas bulat, kipas renteng (folding), bookmarks
- can make orders from sample of other products
med. wayang of med. quality
10 days and sungging and memberi tangkai
uses 2K for med. eg Kumbo - karno
for female figures 1/2 K
skin taken from slaughtlergrounds at Dungelan, [[Jogja?]]
- bought by K at 700 @
- for fan 2 oz so 1k=5fans
-small souvenir wayang 1k ten
-uses okker (ancur) or canned paint bought at Toko Baladewa, N. of Beringhardjo
-750 per can (1K) for paint
-are 5 colors: yellow, red, white, blue, green