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court larggangan there (orangdalon) 
- slowest months Jan-Mar because rainy season & not many people taking trips or buying ((May in Jogja, acc. to (hoko, is visiting season for Catholics in area of Sendang Sono around Sentolo))
-acc. to Margo enough buruh tanis in the dukoh & don't have to import
1 Q hide used in a slow month, 
2 Q in a busy month
- quality of hides bought acc. to orders; but uncleaned hides (hais on) for good wayang, split for regular
with hair   700Rp per K
  split     1300Rp per K

split bought in areas of Keskp, Tempel, Wihogunan
  (lowest grade) put 450
put bought in Semaki selatan, house of Pak Ratno
-competition between wayang makers & krupuk kulit makers for skins - krupuk kulit makers from Bantul Solo 
-25k for 15 days ((doesn't corok 


with above statement that use 1Q per month))
buy new hides every time setor wayangs to Jogja
Margo has exhited [[exhibited]] his products at Sekaten & Imogiri temple
about 5 sidewalk sellers on Malioboro come to Margo's house regularly & pick up souvenir type products to sell ((I stopped one of these sellers on Mal. near Kolamas store 7 asked source - he said from Taman Sari, but since Pocung people also setor to T.S. maybe ultimate source Pocung))
M. gets a better price if setors to tokos than if sells to sidewalk sellers who come to Pocung
large Kumbokarno [[crossed out]]
setors for 7500Rp
foreigners can place orders for good wayangs for 15,000Rp then the store takes a 20% mark-up
M.'s products have even been sent abroad by Yayasan Pekerti; Jakarto (see notes Selang) via Haryono, a resident of Imogiri,