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- pek. 2000M^2 planted w/coconut 
& sono keling, latter large tree for building
mat., charcoal, etc.
-has worked ladang secara
G. P. using 5-15
-always buys hides w/hair, 1
hide 10,000 Rp
takes about 3 days to clean 
(kerok) -person who does this
must be strong & skilled or
will poke holes in skin
we saw a lot of bamboo
everywhere, but J. says low
grade - Keni says [[strikethrough]]usually[[strikethrough]]
used for village needs only
Jenjem (Kennis sister) sells
hide scraps in the market
for 700Rp per K
Keni in 1972 & 73 traded in
goat (kambing) skins but 
cheated out of 250,000Rp
(goatskins used for shoes & 
bags, can't be used for wayang))
if kerbau killed skin will
be white, if dies of sickness
red because full of blood

my notes: (Gardo's house) rough homemade
wood & cane furn, one old &
dirty glass - front lenari. 


Keni's new building from river stones front to be used as house & show place; located
across river so don't have to 

(Gardos house contd) own well 7M
no refr. becuase puasa
Gardo's place large w/impressive 
cement veranda in front w/
four large planters w/well
tended flowers - wide cement
steps leading up
Keni says actually had almost
enough money to buy colt
but used up for foundation,
veranda, etc.
inside house dirt floors, few
back walls of red brick
lot of bamboo in yard

[[left margin]]
used for display while we were there
because expecting tour group, but
normally used for talal
[[end left margin]]

display area on side, workshop 
area in back, work at tables
character of Pak Keni: friendly
aggressive, young, describes
self as bandel, open to new
ideas, full of initiative

arrived a hiking tour group of Swiss
when we were there - ate
box lunches, drank Keni's
tea, bought [[strikethrough]]many[[strikethrough]] maybe 6 pieces