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ASURANSI                       15,-
SEWA GENAWG                    40,-
BULOG FEE                      25,-
                              --- +

Rarga jual pubiuk [[?]]:
                   ---------- +

Back to Sjahroni:
    2 kal. in Bantul w/ no sawah i.e. Singosaren, Trimukti, Jagalan
in area to East of Bantul similar to G.K. & only get [[crossed out word]] padi tadah hujan 
- is copper industry near Kota Gede
-                  NYENTRIK! [[inserted 2nd line down]]
Aug. 5, 78  interview w/ maskmaker [[Warigikaryo?]] in Pocung difficult person to interview, interview cut after 3 or 4 hrs with poor results
once stayed 3 mo. in Panembahan area, Jogja, to ikut pamesan, 24 years ago
- owns two cattle, eats banana leaves, grass, cassava leaves, all


M. Wargi [[strikethrough]] family [[/strikethrough]] gathered can make gedek but for own use only
Wargi wood carves to order & we saw Nagas for house posts, masks, Bali-style statues garudas, own house screens & dividers, small cows
small cows setor to Tjokro - sochart, Mulpodo, Purwo in Kadisuryan area, & Tjokro - disastro - if sold w/ grobak, somebody else makes grobak & rider 
his main product, however,
he can also work as a common carpenter 
studied wood carving from 
grandfather - acc. to him
his grandfather also the first
person to menatah in Pocung
((does he mean Atmos father))
Pak Wargi is not to be believed bicaranya tidak bisa dipercaiya))
- has never attended school & is illiterate
WAGIRARED 57th. , L.