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in Pocung because in hilly areas can take much longer + may not be able to use luku but must use linggies (metal digging stick) + plemcong (one-sided pick-axe)
-once a plan to kumpul all
the pengajin at Pak Dukohoto
work, but tidak jadi because they wanted to be given 2 meals a day
Ibu Wargi handles (menguras) all the farming, but says may cankul with Abu  at night if a full moon

hires buruh tani from Mangunan

one tippe style of topeng he makes is Bedahan, style from Majopahit so that he says  his topenga after mistaken for antiques
- unses mango and wazu wood
- takes 2 full days to make 1 toppeng
- wood must be half-dried only to work (magel)
- if wood dry too hard, if wet shrinks after carving
- 17-18 cnt for male mask, for female 15-16
- wood bought from neighbour
- once someone asked him to come go Jogja to teach mask-making but didn't want to because not a govn. position son no pension and also afraid pupils later compete w/ him
- began making masks at age 12 and setor at [[Tjokrosoehatro?]], at taht time 15-25 ct (at the time me married price of rice at 4ct so can get a real price)
(seems a general trend in D.I.Y for total production and work hours to go up but profit per piece in real wages to go down) (recheck)
never works overtime but usual working his 6-6
in a month makes 15 masks
- he says best season Bulan Maulud (maybe many performances because birthday Mohammed)
- now setor most to Tjokro - disaster but also to Niti