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Aug 5 w/ [with] Joko - interview w/ [with] Wardiyorejo, alias Paidi, maker of talah tools 
- very poor & very small house on main road, very low doorway & only 1 room with partial divider 

passed by house of Wardi's parents next door & also very poor & small
1. Wardiyoredjo
2. NY. Wardiyoredjo
3. Sartinah
4. Biji
5. Ponidi
6. Sogiyem
[next column]

32, L.
       } mengrajin
30, P.
10, P. awak
8, L. -.-
5 1/2, L -.-
1 1/2 P -.-

[swirly image on the left margin]

began making tools in '66
makes from bicycle springs & motorcycle shock absorbers, bought at bengkels, esp in Jmogiri
1 spring (pen) costs 25 Rp - 10Rp depending on length
- makes by heating charcoal on ground & fanning (uses no ubub [[?]])
if the pen is heated can then be pulled out straight
1 set has 20 talahs
springs bought are used &