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& even if used as legal still
called pek. if a continuous 
piece - in back areas away
from main road in front &
esp. in hilly areas houses
widely spaced
part of land planted in cane - 
1600 M2 now planted in tebu
- acc. to Sagiyo tebu rakyat
means second growth after
1st cutting which is given
over to rakyat ((this is wrong)
- plant new varieties of rice
ie PB, IR, but complains
rice doesn't taste good - plants
because tahan wereng
those who last year planted
padi trad. lost entire crop
- fertilizer used 2A, urea + also
compost + kandang
- 1st use of obat hamah in Gendeng
after last year's wereng
- food for lembu gathered
- persemaian 35 hard
- harvest new varieties with
sabit, old with aniz
((price of padi trad. much
higher than padi baru - trad
can sell for as much as 170 - 
220 whereas baru 130 Rp -
Trad. more diff to care for longer growing season -baru
can get 3 crops a year, lama
only two with respective
growing seasons of 3+5 mo;
all this acc. to  Joko)
-pokok Sagiyo ken + pokok father
- buys extra food, rice only
- hasil from own fields lasts
only 3 mo.
use 4K a day for HH
- rice ditumbuk by Abu Sagiyo
- most if pengr. in Gendeng
have some land, even though just
a little, but  usually they
use buruh tani because
busy with ker.
ker more profitable
pengr. will only go to own fields
if no wayangs to work on
-price of rice Gend. 140
-Ny.  Sagiyo has no other
sambilan - sells own produce
in market sometimes
[drawing of a hand in the bottom left quadrant of paper]
                A= bibit
                B= usk. wakau
                 when harvesting separate padi
                 for seed + padi for food