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((saw insdie Sidal's perbot - mechanism a kind of ball bearings)) [[image]] laker

get clay and then they may now work for a while. says he is often tired ((health of this family looks poor; B. Atmo has a number of can - cerous looking growths on chin, shoulder, etc, Ginah has incipient goiter)) fires once a month, 50 grabah and 10 celengan at a time ((doesn't tally w/ production figures above)) 
he built his gubuk last year for 30,000 Rp
price of a perbot 2000 Rp buy from a tukang kaya in Gedungan
- talap (paddles) also bought in Gedungan for 150 Rp each 
- stone for selo gotten from river and shaped sendirk 

uses 2 angutans of clay each month @ 400 Rp - get from area of Ledok - gets the land serara rombongan after the nice harvest - Pak Karyo doesn't seem to know much about the nombongan, who heads it, who owns land where taken from, no of persons in rombongan, etc. 

in rice growing season can't get land from this area so takes from Jagan + Lorok areas 
- entire family asli Kasongan 
- all of their respective parents were also ceramics makers + they all began making about age 10 
Bu Karyo once got a 2000 Rp loan from WELFARE PKK (Pembinaan Kesejateraan Keauasga) - not clean whether this actually a loan or grant of some sort 
- Gina does not know how to make ceramics but sells ceramics by carrying them around on her back + waling around streets of Jogja 

takes 8-10 a day + says sells all every day 
if not enough ceramics from own house until get from neighbors prices:
| | from Kas. | in town |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Keren | 15 Rp | 30 Rp |
| pengaron | 25 " | 50 " |
| celengan ayam | 30 | 50 |
| " burung | 100 | 200 |
| " kambo | 75 | 150 |