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men who do finishing at Pak Amat's house apparently don't receive regular salaries but Pak Amat takes responsibility for their fate so to speak & makes sure they always have enough for their needs ((recheck))
— besides bamboo use lashing of gebang bought from around Malangan & also Kulon Progo carved lamp bases bought in Jogja
— acc. to Hid. most or all of Pak Amat's langganans are pribumi, mostly toko keraji man in Jogja and P.T.'s in Semarang & Jakarta
— now children get ± 120 Rp per truntum & acc. to Hid. can make about 2 a day
— the maximum width of a truntum same as width between two joints of bamboo & if try to make wider will break off at the joint which is stiffer & more brittle acc. to Hid. wages of buruh tani & money earned in [[ker.?]] about the same

in the western part of the Sleman, incl. Moyudan, have had serious problems with wereng & govn. decides what rice varieties (all PB) to plant
acc. to Hid. standard of living in May. better now than 5 yrs ago
acc. Hidayat was a coop in Malangan formerly ((recheck)) but pengurus only looked for own profit & so now people suspicious of coops. ((is this for Malangan, or is Hidayat about talking about coops in general))
-acc. to Hid. [[strikethrough]] voli [[strikethrough]] Pak Amat always has a backlog of orders & never a problem in marketing, so that before he can complete one order is always another waiting
-all family members do bamboo work of one kind or another
-a problem with bubuk bamboo, a small bug which eats the bamboo - if cut bamboo in certain months will be more resistant in other month ((acc. to Ruslan best time for cutting is after new shoots