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work at home, however, can pay larger establishments to do warping & bobbin winding to point where threads tied onto beam - can then finish threading up + weaving themselves

even the workers from other villages do not sleep over & get no transport costs

- two enterprises we saw could best be described as owner-manager workshops where owners perform capitalizing, management, marketing, functions but do[strikethrough/] esn't [strikethrough] not actually do any production themselves

work hrs from 8AM to 2 or 3PM, Sunday off

if harvest time workers do not come in, tho seems penusada feel this as a difficulty.

- wages for busuk tani in the same area slightly lower ie 200Rp a full day, 100 Rp a half-day ((recheck!))

say that never difficult to get supplies of thread, the price at times higher than other times; Mbak Sumi gets her thread

[[second page]]


 from Besenghardjo & she picks up herself using [strikethrough/] [[?]] [strikethrough] colt of father; Pak Mukhsin buys own thread at Pasan Naijonor sometimes a tungkulak brings to the village

if the latter the same tungkulak who brings the thread picks up his payment in finished goods which he then markets himself

doesn't seem to be much seasonal variation in market

- Mbah Sumi uses 2 BAL (large bags) of yarn per month = 80 pak; this is enough to make 120 kodi setagen = 2400

- Pak Mokhsin in also uses 2 BAC per month but says this only enough to make 1600 [strikethrough/] [[?]] [strikethrough] towels

he also said, 1 pak makes 24 pieces towels.

(1 setagen in Beringharjo costs about Rp 500))

- dying done in oil drums over a wood fire - this for the setagen which are dyed with hot water DIREK or WENTER

Transcription Notes: