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acc. to Pak Losial((contradicts what we heard last year)) from the chickens raised (ayam pas = chickens of foreign stock kept in coops as opposed to local chickens)) can sell 1-2 truckloads of eggs to Semarang + areas near Semarang every day.
Van der Wijk the main canal sewing the area, finished in 1910 - during the Japanese occupation extended + Mataram section added

[[-hand drawn map, south at the top, showing main channel of Sungai Progo. Van der Wijk joining at the east end, marked as (east to west) under repair, Mataram Godean channel branching to the south, Minggir, Morudan, and Seayu-]]

Mataram flows south to Bantul - project to widen + deepen access to Matarm designed to help Bantul which suffering water shortages
-Van der Wijk flows along north boundary of Malangan
-repairs begun in Oct 1975 + since that time have only been able to plant rice once a year in rainy season.
beginning of repairs coincided that season with serious attack of wereng

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for 1975 villagers relieved of Ipeda tax (bebas Ipeda) + for 1976 one season bebas BIMAS; after that villagers not brave enough to take our BIMAS loans again
formerly (prior to 75) rice planted 15 times every 2 years, but since Oct 75 have only been able to plant 3 times
-since Oct 75 have been planting some cassava in dry season but complain that sale price only 5 - 10 Rp per kilo as compared with 125 Rp per kilo of rice
-govn. has had 3 padat karya programs to help relieve the situation, paying out 30 million rupiahs (mainly in wages) for the whole kecamatan
  1. project pengerasan (hardening) jalan for 4K in Kaliduren area, 3 mo.  2+3 project irrigation (pengairan) in Ponagok dukoh, 2 times for a total of 5 mo.
in this year will be another project pengairan "testies" to built tertiary canals