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red day from Sekar Petak, bought from Rak Buang, Rp 150 per sepada
black lay secara sewa (rented) for 1/2 yr. at 400 Rp for 2 households (B. Darmo & older sister across way) - Pak Parjan picks up the rent but B. Darmo doesn't know anything about the ((rombongan?))
- says could make kwali about age 20
Pak Kromo, before dying, was a dagang sampah (dry materials for burning) & sold kwalis by pikul to the market
- P. Darmo is ((divorced?)) from B. Darmo & has migrated to Tanjungkarong area of Sumatra; in Sum. he sells celengan, gentong, etc - B. Darmo says
- many left for Sum. in 1968 & occasionally they come home
- varnish use 20 small cans @ 70 Rp per mo
- use brush every 2 firings @ 20 Rp
- varnish & brushes from store of Pak Amats across road from Sidals

- work hrs 9-4; -works every day except take a couple of days off after each firing
- says lose 15-20 days due to rain every year
- if rains while firing & hot pots get wet will crack
- says works about 10 evenings a mo. till 10:00 at night
- says sold more pots 5 yrs ago than now but she doesn't know why
uses 15 UNTING bundles of wood worth 700 Rp each firing
- uses 10 bicycle loads of dry materials per firing @ 200 Rp if buy
- however doesn't buy all, but looks for some
looks for as far as Ngiten area.
- kwali makes only one size & sells for Rp 25 
celengans sell from 50-300 Rp;
- uses neighbors well
- 1 bicycle
- pekarangan +- 600 M^2
- buys all food & uses 1 K ((beras?) per day @ 140 Rp at the warung
- my notes: rather far from main road, 4 wheel vehicles