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-Besides Pak Poikromo are also 3 other families in the dukoh who only finish baskets
-By Poikromo sells her baskets to bakuls at Pasan Beninghaio has 5 regular langganans there
-every Jav. week setors 40 of has plenty of money, if short of money 20-30 only
-on day of interview getting ready for market the following:

                    buy           resell   
10 large baskets  +-150-200 Rp    +-250 Rp
11 medium         +-100           +-150
11 small          +50-110         +-150

prices are averages because baskets vary in price acc to fineness of work to what extent frame thoroughly covered, etc. the baskets are smoked because acc. to Pak Poikromo, this gets rid of the hamah

a small brick hearth inside the house called "luweng" - daman put in front + set on fire- smoke comes out top + baskets held over the smoke + turned

-also Pak Poikromo says baskets look better if smoked, change color from white to pale gold
-work place in front of house under roof overhang called EMPER PERJABAN (roughly: working veranda) -root:NJOBO = luar, outside
-old folks never work evenings because say eyes not strong enough
[[drawing]] pangot 3 @ 200 Rp
knives 3 @ 40
[[drawing]] unceg 3 @ 10 (from Ngento-Erto)
both the old folks asal Malangan; 
- mother of Pak Kromo sold rujak semelak, a kind of drink (father abandoned family); 
- parents of B. Kromo were bakul tenggok
- Pak Kromo has been making tenggok for 50 years actually before marrying made the whole baskets from start to finish, but after marrying did only the jejet work like his wife
work from 7-5 with