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work also weaves stager
-3 children also make truntum.
-father since this year getting a pension from IAIN (Institute Agama Islam Negeri) where was a pesuru kasar (rough worker)- began working there in 1962; between 42 & 52 was a member of ABRI (military), apparently constructing bridges, dams, etc.
sell their tenggoks & kalo to various bakuls who come around - around about 10 bakuls all from the village who come around - no fixed langganen
formerly sold tenggok to Amat (before Amat started making new types of products)
sells his tenggok not fully jejeted
Pak Hanjo never sells his products directly. in the pasar
- working place in front yard + in living room 
- Tools:
   sabit 3
   [[strikethrough]] pangot 1
   unceg 2
   gingaji borrows from neighbor

- Pak Hanjo from kampong krandon, Ibu from Dukoh Donon
- Father of Hanjo was a bakul ani 2, and mother a back-strap weaver; can't remember what mother's parents did
- Pak Harjo did some ker. before becoming a soldier, but quit for a no. of years Pak Hanjo while in the military stayed in a no. of cities, + in a no. of the outer islands
- truntum sell to Amat for 100 Rp
- set on 5 or 6 truntum every Java week three tenggok + 20 kalo every 5 days
- buy 3 batang bamboo a month (300Rp the black + 200-250 the green) - buy either from front road or people in the dukoh south of the krandon who have it in their yards
buy 2 until black + 3 until welat every month @ 50-100Rp
- mother + children make irat strips
buy 1 large until gebang every month for 300Rp
Pak Hanjo spends 3 hrs a