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group of 10 is called a renteng-all production sold to a bakul named Pak Asmo (near Pak Dukoh's house)every malam legi (the night before legi)setor [[plus or minus symbol]] 3 renteng, @ 200Rp ((20Rp each - Edy bought one in the market for 100 (Rp next morning)) - acc. to Bu Hadi [[strikethrough]]acc[[/strikethrough]]. however, bakul will resell for[[strikethrough]]e[[/strikethrough]] 250 Rp
pangat 2
unceg 2
gergaji 1
a bamboo rim for making wegku which is also called a wengku
Bapak & Jbu both asal from Malangan.
as mentioned above, Bu Hadi's parents are basket finishers; Pak Hadi's father abandoned family [[crossout]]by[[/crossout]] but formerly a bakul aniz--alni's obtained from Sumberan[[left margin]]still are aniz makers in Sumberan[[/left margin]]; Pak Hadi's mother made tikar
[[crossout]]-[[/crossout]]Pak Hadi age 20 could alr. make kalo occasionally but not usually

Pak Hadi also makes tenggok
-has never stayed in town
-works from 6:00AM-4:00PM
-Sartinem from 1:00-3:00 only
-Pak Hadi works every day unless there is a "sambatan" (some kind of gotong royong project)
-never work evenings
-Pak Asmo pays in cash
-buy 20 lembaran @[[crossout]]2[[/crossout]]10 each pasan day ((doesn't wuite fit-maybe don't setor every pasan day))
buy lembaran in dukoh Tegal, at house of someone (not at pasan)
-for wengku from apus or wulung, the bongkot (bottom part) only
1 bongkot sells for 25 and enough to make 10 wengku
-buy bongkot from same house which sells lembaran
-buy about 1 until @ 100 Rp every pasan day & enough for 30 kalo; later said only buy 3 until a month, however
-if city market is poor Pak Asmo [[crossout]]lowers[[/crossout]] still will accept all their kalo [[crossout]]buy[[/crossout]] but lowers the price as