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page 32
3 bicycles, no animals, no well agriculture: 
1/4 bagian sawah (500-600M^2)
250 M^2 pek
((actually found out today our types of bagian:
a. large - 25000 M^2
b. small - 2000 M^2))
farms his own sawah
planted in Pelita rice (apparently a long growing season)
4 K seed this season from sim panen
7 coconut trees + some bananas in pek.
No maro no jiual or beli/land tahunon
no recent sales on purchases of land
16 K area a season, 70 Rp at Pak
Bakin - after first weeding
apply fertilizer for second time 15 days later
rice planted this season in Rejb (beg. of June) when water again ?? the irrigation canals
he refers to the rice he plants as padi jero (low growing season)
ndacul 2 days )         -Pak 
matun 2x 2 days )    -  Wongso

page 33
doing own planting too 1/2 day enough (x4 people)
for pangen the 3 women + buruh panen for 1 day
-Pak Wongso never furuhs for others
Dbu works as a buruh panen for 3 or 4 days a season  derep implies was of ani 2 - gets 6k rice
from own and get 1 1/2 KW [gabah]
1 KW wet [gabah] becomes 75K becomes 1/2 KW []
eat 1 K rice a day
-according to Pak Wongso
their ? is ? bedcause farming only takes a short while (? ?)
in '77 planted in rainy season only

Sept 27 interview w B. Sastrowryono,
who owns a store along main road, Malangan - #34 in sample list
in fact daughter, Bu Sudarmo operates the store - Pak Sudarmo