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gergaji - borrow
Pak Trisno from kampong Ngijon, Ibu from Desa Karang, Kal. [[?]]

Pak Trisno's father a farmer + bakul kambing (goats), now makes coconut dippers (IROS) - mother gathered grass for the goats

Bu Trisno's father a farmer, mother a back-strap weaver

- Bu Trisno also wove sarongo before marriage when loom left behind in Karang

- Pak Trisno also farms
- he says market for beseks about the same as a couple of yrs ago.
acc. to him more than 20 besek makers in Malangan

- no of besek makers has increased, he says, because agr. situation no good.
("keadaan pertanian tidak baik")
doesn't know resale price

- has 1 bicycle for school
- no well
- 1 chicken
- no govn aid


owns sawah 1/6 bagian (+- 350M^2)
-does no mano, no buy on sell tahunan
[[?]] still under fathers name + father lives next door on family compound of 2500 M^2
- planting PB5, bibit from simpanan - 2 1/2K
also IR36, 1 1/2K bought @ 175 Roo
no obat hamah
- use pupuk urea 12 1/2K, 75 Rp@
- also manure
- most of rice in village now sent to gilingan + only a few still pound, he says
- hasn't been planting polowijo in dry seasons (( appears land not suitable for polowijo ))
- works own land
macul 10 days Bapak
matun 2x2 days "
tanam 1 pagi 3 people
panen 1 page 5 people
- Pad Trisno works 3 days as buruh
- get 2 KW off of own land -
- cook 1 1/2 K rice daily