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coincide must use a lot of 
paid labor
if don't coincide:
5 [[?]] macul - 10 days
1 " luku - 2 page
1 " gayu - 1 morning
5 " matun - 5 days
uses bibit c4 from sinpanen,
-uses 1 KW area peak @ 75 at Pak Bakin's
-uses olat hamah SELVIN 700 Rp
per bangleus (pack)

((this info on [[?]] from Bu Kapso, would be better is poss. to talk to Mukadi himself))

same day 
stopped by Pak Jeno, Garrett's knis maker
note for Garrett. Pak Jeno has been ill 7 months, now OK; conducling. course for 30 blacksmiths from villages of Ngent-Ento Nulisan + ngaglik every Sunday 10:00 - 3:00 
3 persons per perapen 
act. to Jeno formerly sources of [[?]] were revealed in meditation + empu went to get
the iron
note: price of giling rice 2 Rp per K galrah
same day
stopped by factory Gunung Penuh - and 18 boys + 40 girls working there, all quite young
using bamboo legi + mahogany. 
-girls employed to weave baskets
boys operate machines + do finishing
all workers local
sometimes when need a worker tell one of present workers to look for; sometimes too.
workers came around looking for a place
-wages 200-400 a day ace. to [[?]], paid weekly
not given a meal but may bring or go home for lunch
-dishes, sold three large agents + P.T.'p ie Sarinah
-still working under iregu - for conditions due to death of 3 of Chinese managers in Colt accident last Sun.
B. Parsinah, #109 from sample list Malangan, ([[?]] for #28 moved)
-sister-in-law of Pak Amat + kalo maker