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Buah SECANG 2 fruit pod used for polishing
KESIK 2 ? bamboo stick for thinning
(DALIM) SEMBET 2 cloth
ILIR 1 1- meter size fan used for firing
CUNGKAH ? bamboo for putting fire back in the heap if escapes
GARON kind of rake for collecting dry materials
Jlu + Ponifon work from 7-3
-2 sapi, 5 chickens
-Bapak looks for sumput in Padokam area, alun 2 kidul in Jogja, Karsang Kajen (south edge of Jogja), Andit (north side of Jogia), Tambak (about 8 K away from Kas on road to Wales)
Bapak looks for sumput on pampah from 9-4 every day. 
Caring for the sape & plan to send out for garu if 3 years old (now 13 months)- says
1/2 day can not for 500 Rp but 
the person who vents produces
the labor                                       [61] 
- market day at Bantal on Pon, on Kota Gede Legi
-says no change in market for his products
-has never gotten aid of any kind 
-no well (has one, but in disrepair + not used)
- pek. 200M^2 but papers not leased in his name
no other land. 
-cook 1K of rice per day
- [[?]] day dropped by + was a cousin there home by Ponijah, working there making flower pots
works there every day from 7-4 under a system called bagi hasil - apparently quite common there; all the new materials from [[Manguins?]] house + whatever proceeds from sales half go to Mangun + half to Ponijah
- Ponijah makes about 15 pots a day
Pak sells her pots along with his own production to his own langganans