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50 Rp
-black clay rented from Pak Atmokuru [[margin]] probably wrong rent for 12-15,000 Rp per year (this is unusual - usual rents for 1/2 year in the village)
-Bu Trisno who looks for both clay + sand
rents secara rombongan from Pak Kartoutomo in area of Sekar Petak; one month picks up 15 gendongan or GLINDING - women usually carry the clay on the backs in a cloth and this amount smaller than the 1/2 KW in a krondo - Trisno estimates 20K each - later said, hpwever, 7 glindings = 1 krondo
1 glinding clay mixed with one large tenggok sand so that proportioning roughly 1 to 1
- Bu gets sand from under the bridge
(we saw sand mounded up today along the left river bank - acc. to Edy do this so water goes out & sand becomes dry)
- Pak Trisno looks for firing materials (sampak) but several households near his also 'tilip' pots to be fired when he fires;
- also he called this, however sycary zombongan - says that households which tilip not more than 3 households, but Pak Trisno provides all the firing materials.
most of firing material Pak Trisno looks for, spending about 10 mornings @ 4bps. a month doing this - if firing materials he looks for not enough he will buy extra at 1 sepada for 200 Rp
- waits for hot dry days to look for sampah
- doesn't use wood for firing unless wet weather
- use 7-8 bicycle loads of sampak per firing
fires 150-200 anglo + pot each time + fired 2 x monthly in dry season, 1 x monthly in wet
looks for sampah as far as samping on the road to Water [[strikethrough]] = [[/strikethrough]] 8K
looks under bamboo trees in people's yards & doesn't need to