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-was plus or minus 50K copper a month
-can make 6-7 dandang a day, using 2k a dandang (doesn't cook)
-in slower seasons only uses 30K a month
-Saw materials:
Tawas (for polishing - a white chrystal like substance - water poured over, it is boiled up and water used - 2K a month @ 150 RP from toko besi
Pijer - another rock like substance which powdered and used along with powered copper and timah sari is used for soldering - use 1 1/2K pijer per month @ 350 from toko besi
(( in fact brass is copper and timah sani in equal proportions acc. to Ed))
-Problem with copper molding that sounds of copper after crack because boone says, no way to control temperation sounds of copper reheated 3 at a time + pounded out thin to make objects
-use ambril (sandpaper?) + rice chaff to polish
-market products at Juana + Bojonegoro - [[?]] at took 2, Kiked Langganan
I dangdang - 1600 Rp
1. metal melted
2. impurities lifted off top (slag)
3. molded (dituangkan)into small rounds
4. 3 rounds hammered into one
5. then two of these hammered together (dingembleng)
6. Finally two of these containing 12 of original round
7. shaped into final article 
acc. to Pak Jupri fire for copper working must be from above (?)
-hide bellow called "kamus" (in Kota Gede "Lamu")
-use either bar on truck when buying raw materials storing finished goods
-say the copper ind. started in nearby area of Jolo Tundo
-Formerly dandang + other items made of copper sheet because acc. to Pak (Jupri) didn't know the technique of